today ... about compassion

... as I was taking my morning walk today - I was thinking about compassion. limitless compassion meaning at any time - always - never separated from that state of mind - with anyone in any situation ... how is that possible?

it seems that only if one is resting in the view of selflessness one can be in that state of limitless compassion ... otherwise there is always a reference point of me - mine - my interest etc.

so the path there I guess has to be twofold then ... reducing one's sense of self-centeredness and contemplating and deepening one's understanding of emptiness ...

sounds very theoretical ...

which in a way it is ...

because I also see, how attachment to: what I like - wish - think - imagine ... is really what I am dealing with in everyday life as a stepping stone to compassion and it seems that compassion is very connected to that - sure I mean well and in my motivation and contemplation it makes perfect sense ... however to dive into it, to give up holding on to me ... to comfort ... to feeling good ... that is not so easy ...

regardless - this I do know is the way to go and it doesn't really matter how long it will take (in some way) most importantly to hold that intention that outlook - to develop limitless compassion is the most worthwhile direction to take ... :) 

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